LEGO Marvel Super Heroes offers an original storyline in which Nick Fury calls upon Iron Man, the Hulk, Thor, Spider-Man, Wolverine and other heroes spanning the Marvel Universe to save Earth from such threats as the vengeance of Loki and the hunger of Galactus, Devourer of the Worlds.
The games were released under the title Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril for iOS, Android, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation White Handheld Systems. In such cases, you and Eid agree to submit to the court personal jurisdiction and agree to waive any objections to the exercise of jurisdiction over the parties of these courts.'s game information and ROM download page for Marvel Super Heroes.'s game information and ROM download page for. offers all of your favorite roms such as pokemon roms. Nintendo DS; Nintendo GBA; Sony PSP; Sony PS2; View All. ISO download page for the game: LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Wii) - File.
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Download LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril MULTi4 rom
Download LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril MULTi4
We offer you the chance to play this game directly to your PC without any emulator because of the format, which was converted by us. This ROM is in executable format, and requires only installing. After simple installation, the icon will appear in your chosen destination.
Product description
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes features an original story crossing the entire Marvel Universe. Players take control of Iron Man, Spider-Man, the Hulk, Captain America, Wolverine and many more Marvel characters as they unite to stop Loki and a host of other Marvel villains from assembling a super-weapon capable of destroying the world. Players will chase down Cosmic Bricks as they travel across LEGO Manhattan and visit key locations from the Marvel Universe, such as Stark Tower, Asteroid M, a Hydra base and the X-Mansion.
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