Mount & Blade: Warband - Viking Conquest Reforged Edition For Mac 4,8/5 8845 reviews
Reforged Edition Viking Conquest Reforged Editionis a completely free update to all owners of Viking Conquest, whichadds a host of new features and content as well as re-balancing andfixing previous issues with the DLC. Play through an all newstoryline set in dark, mysterious Ireland, befriend a caninecompanion and master the art of fighting with the unpredictableBerserker units. Rekindle your passion for Viking warfare andreforge your path in this much improved version.

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Mount & Blade: Warband - Viking Conquest Reforged Edition For Mac

Mount Everest

  • The Last Tuatha De Danann All new story, setin dark, mysterious Ireland where nothing is what it seems andtruths are hidden..
  • Hofs of the Nordic Gods Visit the holy groundsof the Nordic Gods. Make sacrifices and recruit powerful yetunpredictable Berserker troops into your army.
  • Dog Companion A loyal canine friend who willstay by your side, even on the battlefield.
  • Start As Leader of a Faction Skip the rise topower and get straight into Reforged Editions expanded kingdommanagement.
  • Crouching and Hunting Feed your men a bettervariety of food by hunting wild boar but beware, startle thesecreatures and they're liable to attack.
  • Working (minigames) Out of luck and out ofpennings. Commit yourself to an honest day's work in a quarry, mineor farmstead.
  • New Ambush System There is no greater weaponthan the element of surprise; catch your enemies off guard with anambush attack. Though you must keep your wits about you, or youcould be the target of an ambush yourself.
  • Adventuring Companions Companions that leavethe player's party from discontent may now strike out on their ownas adventurers, gathering their own forces and making their mark onthe world.
  • New Quests and Roleplay Events Discoverassassination plots, interfere in affairs of religion and more withthese new sandbox quests.
  • Improved Atmosphere New ambient sounds andscene contribute to a richer experience in historical Dark AgeBritain.
  • New Items Dozens of new weapons and armours aswell as updates to old visuals.
  • Battles Improved enemy AI, incorporatingtactics and formations add a new dimension to battles. Shock troopssuch as the Berserkir fight like animals but in the heat of battlemay not distinguish friend from foe.
  • Kingdom Improvements Customise your kingdom'scolour, ransom prisoners to the enemy and raise your peasants as alevy army in times of need.
  • Expanded Multiplayer New scenes and Raid gamemode. Improvements to the UI and additional options for serveradmins to take control of the invaders in Invasion mode.
  • More Immersion Special player traits and theability to spread rumours to influence people throughout the land.More lively scenes with domestic animals walking around. Extrainformation about your companions and the option of a second playeroutfit for use outside of battle, as well as much more roleplay andmany more immersive features.
  • Customise Your Level of Difficulty and GoalsSet your own goals to become an Infamous Raider, Strong King,Beloved Warrior and more. Customise your difficulty options tocater your own experience and challenge.
Viking Conquest

Mount & Blade: Warband - Viking Conquest Reforged Edition For Macos

From the creators of the popular'Brytenwalda” mod, 'Viking Conquest” is a brand new DLC for Mount &Blade Warband! This single and multi player DLC brings Mount &Blade to historical Dark Age Britain, complemented by authenticscenes and cultures. The DLC features a story mode with a complexplot, where choices have real consequences, as well as a standardsandbox mode in an all new setting, with expanded options andcontrols. Online battling also takes on its own flavour, withspecial modes like Coastal Assault and Warlord.
  • Living world that evolves around you, with historical andrandom events, as well as the actions of the player allcontributing.
  • More than 300 new cities, castles, villages and special scenesto discover, explore, conquer and plunder.
  • More than 200 historical characters and 100 extra NPCs: Kings,Lords, Ladies, bards, priests and many others. Meet legendaryfigures like Ivar the Boneless or his bother SigurdSnake-in-the-Eye, royalty like Harald, later known as FairHair, orAelfred of Wessex.
  • A story mode where the player will be part of a complex plotinvolving political conspiracy, during the time the sons of Ragnarwere leading their Great Heathen Army through Britain. An immersivegame style with choice and consequence, romance, betrayal, momentsof greatness and ruin.
  • A sandbox mode, the classic Mount&Blade system, where goalsare determined by the player, but with all the richness and optionsoffered by the new setting.
  • More than 15 possible companions, with deep interaction anddifferent personalities. Sometimes their conflicts will force youto use cunning and diplomacy.
  • A complex religion system with two faiths, The Norse Gods andChristianity, with monasteries, special NPCs and parties. Religionwill be a important factor in the game that will affect theplayer's interactions even within their own party.
  • Naval travel and warfare, a key feature to really make thesetting complete.
  • Battles can range from simple robbery to massive navalconflicts between huge fleets laden with warriors, all in dynamicbattles where you can pilot your own boat, adjusting for factorssuch as wind, waves, and weather.
  • The option to build your own refuge, hire staff for it, andpopulate it with the wives and children of your troops..
  • Detailed siege warfare system, with options to reduce adefender by hunger or morale, or by direct assault. With hardchoices, plagues and famines, coastal assaults.

Mount & Blade: Warband - Viking Conquest Reforged Edition For Mac Torrent

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