Uf300 Prober Manual 3,8/5 9842 reviews

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Xandex offers three inker types for high speed inking applications. Series 600 inkers incorporate a high-speed solenoid for use with DM-1 cartridges. The pneumatic Series X1000 & X4000 use DM-2 cartridges to afford a wide range of dot sizes at any speed. The Motorized-Z inker enables motorized z height adjustment and incorporates small dot and large dot modes, which allow dot sizes from 6-50 mil. All inkers feature flip up manipulators and an X,Y adjustment joystick. The low profile X5100 installs in the optical bridge on the listed EG probers. Off-Line inkers are also suitable for Post-Probe inking.

Uf300 prober manual download
Prober ModelPneumaticElectric
EG 1034, 2001, 2010, 4060, 4080, 4085, 4090X1100: part #340-1100
X4115 (Motorized-Z): part #340-4115
EG 601: part #330-0601
EG 4060, 4080, 4090X5100: part #340-5100
KLATEL 1007, 1011, 1200, 1220X1200: part #340-1200
X4215 (Motorized-Z): part #340-4215
KLA 603: part #330-1603

The inverted Series 200 mounts underneath the probe ring. Post-Probe inkers also provide sufficient clearance for most Overhead Testing applications.

Tester ModelProber ModelElectric
Sentry 7, 10, 20, 21EGEG 201; part #330-0201
Teradyne J937, J941All ProbersCartridge Holder H1-24B7 (retro Teradyne Base): part #310-1222

This manual describes the assembly and installation of a TSK UF200AL/UF300/UF300A. Top Load Prober Interface. This interface is for use with a 0.187” thick prober interface. American truck simulator - forest machinery supply. Board (PIB) (board thickness can range between 0.175 and 0.200 inches). Interface kit information included in this manual: TSKUF200AL/UF300/UF300A Top. Acces PDF Uf300 Prober Manual Uf300 Prober Manual When people should go to the book stores, search introduction by shop, shelf by shelf, it is essentially problematic. This is why we offer the books compilations in this website. It will definitely ease you to see guide uf300 prober manual as you such as.

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Xandex offers four inkers for post probe inking. All inkers are also suitable for some Overhead Testing & high-speed Off-Line Inking. Inker Model X1412 designed for the TSK APM 90 or UF200 series probers fits on the existing inker mount. Inker X5100 designed for the EG 40X0 series probers fits in the Optical Bridge. X5200 Series designed for the TEL P8 probers mounts on the Optical Bridge, or on the SACC Arm. All inkers allow dot range of 15-50 mil and utilize DM-2.3 cartridges.

Prober ModelPneumatic
EG 4060, 4080, 4090X5100: Part #340-5100
TEL P8, P12X5200 SACC Arm: Part #340-5200
X5210 Bridge: Part #340-5210
TSK APM90, UF200, UF300 X1412: Part #340-1412

Xandex offers electric and pneumatic inkers for cabled probing. Series 100 provides vertical positioning via slide bracket and adjustment knob. Coarse X, Y adjustment and quick inker removal is accomplished by loosening one knob that holds the inker to its mounting plate. The joystick in Series 300 provides fine X, Y adjustment. Series 600 is the only high speed electric inker. Use DM-1, or DM-1.25 cartridges. For 5 mil applications, use an H2 model holder (with plunger adjustment) instead of an H1. Series X1000 are pneumatic inkers, suitable for high-speed application and utilize DM-2 cartridges.

Prober ModelPneumaticElectric
EG 1034, 2001, 2010, 4085X1100: part #340-1100EG 101: part #330-0101
EG 301: part #330-0301
EG 601: part #330-0601
EG 4060, 4080, 4090X1103: part #340-1103
KLATEL 1007, 1011, 1200, 1220X1200: part #340-1200KLA 103: part#330-1103
KLA 30:; part #330-1303
KLA 603: part #330-1603
PWS All ModelsPWS 102: part #330-2102
PWS 302: part #330-2302
Teledyne TAC all models: see retrofits
TSK APM3000, APM5000, APM6000, APM7000TSK 104: part #330-3104
TSK 604: part #330-3604

Many optical inspection applications require retrofit of an existing manipulator and do not use a complete Xandex assembly. DieMarker™ is a hand-held pneumatic inker, which may also be used for any application requiring manual inking (i.e. edge die, packaged devices). Use DM-2 cartridges for DieMarker™ and DM-1, DM-1.25, or DM-S for all other models.

Inspection StationPneumaticElectric
All ModelsX901 DieMarker: part #340-0901 kit includes hand held pen, foot switch and controller
Alessi REL 4500H1-12A7: part #310-1112
AT 2400H1-24A7: part #310-1212
Mechanization Associates all models (retrofit)H1-12A7: part #310-1112
Nikon OptiphotNI 101: part #330-9401
Nikon OptipadLT 105: part #330-0105
Scientific Instruments all modelsLT 105: part #330-0105
Viking Semiconductor all model (retrofit)H1-24A7: part #310-1212

Analytical probers have limited inker clearance due to high-powered microscope objectives and multiple probers. Most analytical probers require retrofit of an existing micromanipulator, and do not use a complete Xandex assembly (see also Retrofits). Use DM-1 or DM-1.25 cartridges.

Prober ModelElectric
Karl Suss PAC6B101: part #320-0101
H1-12A7: part #310-1112
Micromanipulator - all models (retrofit)H1-12A7: part #310-1112
Signatone - all models (retrofit)H1-12A7: part #310-1112
Wentworth Labs - all models (retrofit)H1-12Z7: part #310-1192

Laser trimming applications require the inker to rest at a very shallow angle under the microscope lens and the lasers. For sufficient clearance, inkers may have a 'side arm' style holder mounting rather than the typical slide bracket. Use DM-1, DM-1.25, or DM-S cartridges.

Pf300 Prober Manual Transmission

Laser Trimming ModelElectric
General Scanning M310LT 611: part #330-0611
Teradyne M1118, M218LT 105: part #330-0105
LTX/ESI 80, 44 LT 106: part #330-0106

Cartridge holders are available to retrofit most other manufacturers’ inkers. To order, specify body style, coil voltage, connector type, and plunger size. Use DM-1 or DM-1.25 cartridges. Retrofit all H-style holders with a Plunger Stop Assembly for 5 mil dot applications.

ApplicationProber ModelElectric
EG PI-500EGH14-24A7: part #314-0006
PWS 7733PWSH1-24A6: part #310-1211
Rucker & Kolls all modelsKLA/TELH1-24C7: part #310-1232
all others H1-24A7: part #310-1212
Teledyne TAC 14031, 14032, 14033, 71146, 71154Teledyne TACH4-12D6: part #310-4141
KLA/TEL YN 12, YN 27KLA/TELH1-24C7: part #310-0004*
KLA/TEL YN 12, YN 27 KLA/TEL S2-22C10: part #315-0003
KLA/TEL YN 12, YN 27TEL P8, P12S3-12C10: part #315-0008
TEL P8, straightTELS3-12C10: part #315-0010
TEL P8, 90 degreesTELS3-12C10: part #315-0011
TSK 300EGH6-24A7: part #310-6212
TSK 300TSKH6-24Z7: part #310-6292
TSK APM90TSKS2-22Z10: part#315-0005**
ApplicationProber ModelPneumatic
TSK APM88 TSKX1411: part #340-1411***

Pf300 Prober Manual Download

* requires special DM-0.6 cartridge
** complete inker kit is also available. see post-probe inking.
*** retrofit includes pneumatic controller.

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