Black Screen In Warcraft III: Reforged. Updated: 1 month ago Article ID: 258552 Relevant Products: Common Problems. I can hear audio but I only see a black screen when trying to play Warcraft 3 Reforged. This can happen if you are playing Warcraft III: Reforged in fullscreen mode. To resolve this, please follow these steps. I can hear audio but I only see a black screen when trying to play Warcraft 3 Reforged. This can happen if you are playing Warcraft III: Reforged in fullscreen mode. To resolve this, please follow these steps. Disable movies to avoid black screen and crash When you start the game, the computer or application might freeze, which would require a Crossover or computer reboot. This is a result of bad support for playing the movies from Warcraft III. So recently my hard drive died, and I'm currently using a different PC. After installing Warcraft III I get a black screen when it starts up. There's no noise, and occasionally it shows the task bar. There's no hint of the cinematic even trying to play. My CPU usage stays the same as it was with the desktop although my fans kick in at full gear.
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Warcraft 3: Reforged black screen on pc fix